Bikram Yoga vs. Hot Yoga: What’s the Difference?


Origin and Founder: – Bikram Yoga: Founded by Bikram Choudhury in the 1970s. – Hot Yoga: A broader term encompassing various hot yoga styles, no single founder.

Sequence of Poses: – Bikram Yoga: Consists of a fixed sequence of 26 poses and two breathing exercises. – Hot Yoga: Offers more flexibility in pose selection, varies by class and instructor.

Room Temperature: – Bikram Yoga: Practiced in a room heated to a specific temperature (around 105°F). – Hot Yoga: Heated room, but temperature can vary widely, typically between 80°F to 105°F.

Duration of Classes: – Bikram Yoga: Standard classes are 90 minutes long. – Hot Yoga: Class lengths can vary, often ranging from 60 to 90 minutes.

Breathing Techniques: – Bikram Yoga: Emphasizes specific pranayama techniques. – Hot Yoga: Focuses on breath awareness but may vary by style.

Variation in Styles: – Bikram Yoga: Follows a standardized sequence in every class. – Hot Yoga: Diverse styles, such as Vinyasa, Power, and Yin, each with unique sequences.

Props and Modifications: – Bikram Yoga: Minimal use of props; poses remain consistent. – Hot Yoga: Often incorporates props and encourages modifications.

Intensity and Sweat: – Bikram Yoga: Known for its intense, consistent intensity and profuse sweating. – Hot Yoga: Intensity varies by style, and sweating levels may differ.

